Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Death to confirmation dialogs with jquery.undoable

Confirmation dialogs were designed by masochists intent on making users of the web miserable. At least that’s how I feel when I run into too many of them. And yes, if you take a look at Subtext, you can see I’m a perpetrator.

Well no longer!

I was managing my Netflix queue recently when I accidentally added a movie I did not intend to add (click on the image for a larger view).

netflix-queue Naturally, I clicked on the blue “x” to remove it from the queue and saw this.

netflix-queue-deleted Notice that there’s no confirmation dialog that I’m most likely to ignore questioning my intent requiring me to take yet one more action to remove the movie. No, the movie is removed immediately from my queue just as I requested. I love it when software does what I tell it to do and doesn’t second guess me!

But what’s great about this interface is that it respects that I’m human and am likely to make mistakes, so it offers me an out. The row becomes grayed out, shows me a status message, and provides a link to undo the delete. So if I did make a mistake, I can just click undo and everything is right with the world. Very nicely done!

I started to get curious about how they did it and did not find any existing jQuery plugins for building this sort of undoable interface, so I decided this would be a fun second jQuery plugin for me to write, my first being the live preview plugin.

The Plugin

Much like my jQuery hide/close link, the default usage of the plugin relies heavily on conventions. As you might expect, all the conventions are easily overriden. Here’s the sample HTML for a table of comments you might have in the admin section of a blog.

<td>This is an interesting plugin</td>
<td>Bugs Bunny</td>
<td><a href="#1" class="delete">delete</a></td>
<td>No, it's a bit derivative. But nice try.</td>
<td><a href="#2" class="delete">delete</a></td>
<td>Writing sample data is no fun at all.</td>
<td>Peter Griffin</td>
<td><a href="#3" class="delete">delete</a></td>

And the following is the code to enable the behavior.

$(function() {
$('a.delete').undoable({url: 'http://example.com/delete/'});

By convention, when one of the delete links is clicked, the value in href attribute is posted as form encoded data with the key “id” to the specified URL, in this case http://example.com/delete/.

If you have more form data to post, it’s quite easy to override how the form data is put together and send whatever you want. The following examples pulls the id from a hidden input and sends it with the form key “commentId”.

$(function() {
url: 'http://example.com/delete/',
getPostData: function(clickSource, target) {
return {
commentId: target.find("input[type='hidden'][name='id']").value(),
commentType: 'contact'

When the data is posted to the server, the server must respond with a JSON object having two properties, subject and predicate. For example, in ASP.NET MVC you might post to an action method which looks like:

public ActionResult Delete(int id) {
// Delete it
return Json(new {subject = "The comment", predicate = "was deleted"});

The only reason I broke up the response message into two parts is to enable nice formatting like Netflix’s approach.

This of course is is easily overridden. For example, it may be simpler to simply return I can override the formatStatus method to expect other properties in the response from the server. For example, suppose you simply want the server to respond with one message property, you might do this.

$(function() {
url: 'http://example.com/delete/',
formatMessage: function(response) {
return response.message;

I wrote the plugin with the TABLE scenario in mind as I planned to use it in the comment admin section of Subtext, but it works equally well with other elements such as DIV elements. For example, the user facing comments of a blog are most likely in a list of DIV tags. All you need to do to make this work is make sure the DIV has a class of “target” or override the getTarget method.

I need your help!

I really hope some of you out there find this plugin useful. Writing these plugins has been a great learning experience for me. I found the following two resources extremely valuable.

  • jQuery Plugin Authoring Guide This is the beginners guide on the jQuery documentation page. I found it to be very helpful in learning the basics of plugin development.
  • A Plugin Development Pattern by Mike Alsup. Mike outlines a pattern for writing jQuery plugins that has worked well for him based on his extensive experience. I tried to follow this pattern as much as I could.

However, I still feel there’s room to improve. I’m not sure that I fully grasped all the tips and wrote a truly idiomatic usable extensible clean jQuery plugin. So if you have experience writing jQuery plugins, please do enumerate all the ways my plugin sucks.

If you simply use this plugin, please tell me what does and doesn’t work for you and how it could be better. I’m really having fun writing these plugins and would find your constructive feedback very helpful.

The Source

As with my last plugin, the source is hosted on GitHub. Git is another tool I’m learning. I can’t really make a judgment until I use it on a project where I’m collaborating with others *hint* *hint*. :) Please do fork it and provide patches and educate me on writing better plugins. :)

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